Information useful to Parents


Academic Terms
Autumn: August 31st – December 22nd
Spring: January 8th – March 22nd
Summer: April 8th -June 28th

Term 1: August – Christmas
School reopens                        Thursday 31st of August
Mid-Term Break                      30th October -3rd of November (inclusive)
Christmas Holidays Closing     22nd of December at 12.00 noon
Reopening                               8th of January at 8.50am

January- Easter
St. Brigid’s Day                        Monday 5th February (New Bank holiday) 
Mid Term Break                      15th February-16th February (inclusive)
St. Patrick’s Day                      Monday 18th March
Easter Holidays Closing          Friday 22nd March at 12.00 noon
Reopening                               Monday 8th of April

Term 3: Easter -June
May Bank Holiday and Midterm break                  Monday 6th May – Friday 10th May (inclusive)
June Public Holiday               Monday 3rd June
Summer Holidays Closing       Friday 28th June at 12.00 noon

Click here to Download Calendar in PDF format >>>

Please refer to the Admissions Policy in the Policy section of the website… Click Here >>>

Corpus Christi Parents Association was established over 20 years ago with the aim of working with the Principal, the staff and the Board of Management to build effective co-operation and partnership between home and school.
Its role is supporting the school and the parents in the raising and education of our children. It also supports the development of the broader school community.
Membership is open to all parents / guardians of any child attending Corpus Christi school. New members are particularly welcome. The Association is governed by a written constitution and an Annual General Meeting is held each October. 
The Officers of the Association (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary) are elected annually. 
The Association meets monthly during the school year in the School. The meetings last for approximately an hour and are informal.

What does the PA do?
Provide support and organisational input (teas & coffees) for key events during the school year e.g. First Communion, Graduation
Arrange talks on topics of interest to parents / guardians
Engage in various fundraising activities for the support of the school
Organise social events for parents and children
Run the school book rental scheme

What does the PA NOT do?
The PA does not play the role of the Board of Management
It is not involved in curricular matters 
It is not a forum for complaints in relation to the school or individual teachers – such matters should be addressed directly with the school or teacher

For further information please feel free to contact any member of the current committee, or email

Corpus Christi GNS 2021 Book lists below.

Class Book List (click name or arrow to download)

Junior Infants (PDF) 


Senior Infants (PDF) 


1st class (PDF)


2nd class (PDF) 


3rd class (PDF) 


4th class (PDF) 


5th class (PDF) 


6th class (PDF)


Corpus Christi G.N.S. operates a book rental scheme for all classes. Click image above for terms and conditions of our Book Rental Scheme. There is a deposit of €20 for the scheme. 

We encourage parents and children to select the most nutritious choices for lunch every day. As part of the social, personal and health education programme the girls learn about healthy eating. This is reinforced by a ‘Healthy Eating and Wellbeing Week which takes place every year to raise awareness about the issue.
The pupils have two breaks every day and many of them bring a snack for one break and a bigger lunch for the longer break. Milk and fruit are available in the school and the parents can avail of this scheme by signing the necessary forms. Forms are distributed at the start of each school year or during the year from the school secretary. 

The children are encouraged to bring the following types of food for lunch:
Sandwiches/rolls/pitta breads with a healthy filling such as lean meat/ salad/tuna etc.
Fresh fruit
Unsweetened fruit juice
Diluted sugar free drink (with meals only)

The children are not allowed to bring any of the following:
Fizzy drinks
Chewing gum

As some of the children have food allergies, children are not allowed to share their lunches. Parents are asked to always inform the school if their child has a food allergy. If a child has a particularly severe food allergy, parents of others in the class may be asked not to include that food in lunchboxes.

Homework is an important part of the communication between home and school. Parents can monitor their child’s progress through continual reference to homework journals, homework and liaison with teachers.


The purpose of the homework policy is to

  • Strength home-school links
  • Reinforce the learning experienced by the child during the school day
  • Ensure clarity as to the recommended time to be spent on homework

Relationship to School Ethos

  • It is the policy of the school to, as far as is possible, identify all the needs of the pupil and put in place measures to adequately cater for their needs
  • The school also encourages the active involvement of parents in enabling their child to take responsibility and work independently.  The homework policy of the school facilitates these ideals.

Aims and Objectives

The primary objectives of the policy are –

  • To consolidate learning through reinforcement of class work
  • To enable the children develop a sense of responsibility and independence
  • To enhance self-esteem through the provision of a work menu that is doable
  • To foster self-discipline and study skills
  • To promote consistency and a uniform approach to homework across all classes
  • To further develop links between home and school

It is school policy to assign appropriate class-related levels of homework as an important reinforcement in the learning process.  Good study habits are fostered, independent learning is promoted and self-discipline is developed.

The school uses the Aladdin Connect App to communicate with parents, collate permissions,  send the annual school report and process school payments. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure their details are correct and that they check the app regularly for updates. If there are any issues accessing Aladdin Connect, please call the school office. 

The children are expected to be punctual and to attend school everyday. We ask that you are on time picking up your child daily. Infant teachers have other duties to perform and small children’s trust is shattered if they are continually left to wait when every other child has been collected.

Good school attendance is crucial to your child’s progress. If your child is absent for any reason, please send an explanatory note to the teacher on her return. If at all possible, appointments for your child (dentist, doctor etc.) should be arranged outside of school time. The school has a statutory obligation to report all absences of 20 days or over to Tusla. Roll call is normally taken at 9.50a.m. and any children not in school by then will be marked absent.

Parents are required to sign their child out for appointments and to sign them in if they are late.

Into/Management Complaints Procedure

In 1993, the INTO and Primary School Management reached agreement on a procedure for dealing with complaints by parents against teachers. The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate the resolution of difficulties where they may arise in an agreed and fair manner. The agreement lays out in five stages the process to be followed in progressing a complaint and the specific timescale to be followed at each stage.

This agreement has been adopted by the Board of Management of Corpus Christi Girls National School

Please Note: Only those complaints about teachers which are written and signed by parents/guardians of pupils.  may be investigated formally by the board of management, except where those complaints are deemed by the board to be: 

  • on matters of professional competence and which are to be referred to the Department of Education and Skills;
  • frivolous or vexatious complaints and complaints which do not impinge on the work of a teacher in a school; or
  • complaints in which either party has recourse to law or to another existing procedure.

Unwritten complaints, not in the above categories, may be processed informally as set out in Stage 1 of this procedure. 

Stage 1

  1. A parent/guardian who wishes to make a complaint should, unless there are local arrangements to the contrary, approach the class teacher with a view to resolving the complaint.
  2. Where the parent/guardian is unable to resolve the complaint with the class teacher s/he should approach the principal with a view to resolving it.
  3. If the complaint is still unresolved the parent/guardian should raise the matter with the chairperson of the board of management with a view to resolving it.

Stage 2

  1. If the complaint is still unresolved and the parent/guardian wishes to pursue the matter further s/he should lodge the complaint in writing with the chairperson of the board of management.
  2. The chairperson should bring the precise nature of the written complaint to the notice of the teacher and seek to resolve the matter between the parties within five days of receipt of the written complaint.

Stage 3

  1. If the complaint is not resolved informally, the chairperson should, subject to the general authorisation of the board and except in those cases where the chairperson deems the particular authorisation of the board to be required:
  2. a) supply the teacher with a copy of the written complaint; and
    b) arrange a meeting with the teacher and, where applicable, the principal teacher with a view to resolving the complaint. Such a meeting should take place within 10 days of receipt of the written complaint.

Stage 4

  1. If the complaint is still not resolved the chairperson should make a formal report to the board within 10 days of the meeting referred to in 3(b).
  2. If the board considers that the complaint is not substantiated the teacher and the complainant should be so informed within three days of the board meeting.
  3. If the board considers that the complaint is substantiated or that it warrants further investigation it proceeds as follows:
  4. a) the teacher should be informed that the investigation is proceeding to the next stage;
    b) the teacher should be supplied with a copy of any written evidence in support of the complaint;
    c) the teacher should be requested to supply a written statement to the board in response to the complaint;
    c) the teacher should be afforded an opportunity to make a presentation of case to the board. The teacher would be entitled to be accompanied and assisted by a friend at any such meeting;
    d) the board may arrange a meeting with the complainant if it considers such to be required. The complainant would be entitled to be accompanied and assisted by a friend at any such meeting; and
    e) the meeting of the board of management referred to in (d) and (e) will take place with in 10 days of the meeting referred to in 3(b).

Stage 5

  1. When the board has completed its investigation, the chairperson should convey the decision of the board in writing to the teacher and the complainant within five days of the meeting of the board.
  2. The decision of the board shall be final.
  3. The Complaints Procedure shall be reviewed after three years.
  4. Primary School Management or INTO may withdraw from this agreement having given the other party three months’ notice of intention to do so.

In this agreement ‘days’ means school days.

Note: The vast majority of complaints are resolved locally and informally. However, in certain circumstances, for example, where a complaint is considered to be serious in nature, or where the teacher is required to submit a written response to his/her board of management, the teacher should contact his/her INTO District Representative or INTO Head Office for advice and assistance.
In advising a teacher, the INTO will be anxious to ensure that there is due process and fair procedures applied, which generally include:

  • that the teacher is fully appraised of all matters being considered by the board of management, including being provided with copies of all relevant documentation;
  • the right to respond and adequate time to prepare a response;
  • entitlement to be represented by the INTO, if necessary.

Where a teacher contacts the INTO in relation to a complaint(s) made against him/her, the officials involved will generally meet with the teacher and require him/her to provide detailed written information and documentation on the matter. The officials will assess the case and decide if additional specific legal advice or a legal consultation is required. Specific legal advice is obtained for members in accordance with the Rules of the INTO and the conditions prescribed by the CEC.

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