Access Keys:

Corpus Christi NS, Drumcondra, Dublin 9

Visitors to the School

Corpus Christi G.N.S has a strong tradition of welcoming parents and visitors to the school and of engagement with the local community. From time to time there may be visitors to the school On any given day these may include;
Guest speakers
Department of Education Personnel
Student Teachers
Student placement supervisors
Visiting teacher Service
Psychologists or other therapists
Past pupils
There is a reception area at the entrance to the school. In the interests of safety all visitors are required to report to reception before being given access to the building. At certain time it may be necessary to restrict the number of visitors to the school. If parents wish to meet their child’s teacher or the Principal, please contact the school or teacher directly to arrange an appointment. All visitors are required to comply with the health and safety policies in operation in the school.