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Corpus Christi NS, Drumcondra, Dublin 9

Parents Association


Corpus Christi Parents Association was established over 20 years ago with the aim of working with the Principal, the staff and the Board of Management to build effective co-operation and partnership between home and school.
Its role is supporting the school and the parents in the raising and education of our children. It also supports the development of the broader school community.
Membership is open to all parents / guardians of any child attending Corpus Christi school. New members are particularly welcome. The Association is governed by a written constitution and an Annual General Meeting is held each October. 
The Officers of the Association (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary) are elected annually. 
The Association meets monthly during the school year in the School. The meetings last for approximately an hour and are informal.

What does the PA do?
Provide support and organisational input (teas & coffees) for key events during the school year e.g. First Communion, Graduation
Arrange talks on topics of interest to parents / guardians
Engage in various fundraising activities for the support of the school
Organise social events for parents and children
Run the school book rental scheme

What does the PA NOT do?
The PA does not play the role of the Board of Management
It is not involved in curricular matters 
It is not a forum for complaints in relation to the school or individual teachers – such matters should be addressed directly with the school or teacher

For further information please feel free to contact any member of the current committee, or email